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2023 OIG Public Safety Outlook

January 11, 2023


By ordinance, the Public Safety section’s inquiries are focused on the policies, practices, programs,procedures, and training of CPD, COPA, and the Police Board, with respect to constitutional policing, discipline, use of force, and CPD’s integrity, transparency, and relationship with City residents. Additionally, the Public Safety section is charged with studying police disciplinary investigations and hearings, including examining the fairness and consistency of discipline and whether individual misconduct investigations are complete, thorough, objective, and fair.

Executive Summary

The following projects are under consideration for 2023. They are listed below in categories corresponding to the Public Safety section’s strategic priorities listed above: (A) CPD operational competence; (B) discipline and accountability; and (C) constitutional policing.

The list of projects below is intended to serve as a guiding document and is subject to change. The Public Safety section may initiate other projects over the course of the year and the section may not undertake each of the listed projects in 2023. Circumstances may arise during the year which prompt the section to undertake new, higher priority projects, reduce the priority of a planned project, or terminate a project if OIG determines that further work will not bring substantial benefit to the City. Some projects may not appear because they would center around topics which OIG has addressed through other oversight channels, or which have changed in nature or priority. Additionally, some topics listed below may be deferred to following years.

Potential projects are developed from a variety of sources, including input from community members, CPD members, and OIG staff. A draft of the project plan is posted for public comment and submitted to the court-appointed monitor for the consent decree, as required by paragraph 563 of the consent decree. A final plan, incorporating comments as appropriate, is then published on OIG’s website.

2023 OIG Public Safety Outlook - publication cover